
Have a look around the different area of our fantastic school playground!


Here is the main entrance to Craigiebarns Primary School.


This is our Sensory Garden, which is lovely in the sunshine and warm weather.

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Our Primary 1 children have a great, safe place to play with their P7 play helpers.

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Our Primary 2 and 3 pupils can enjoy the climbing frame, grass or large concrete area to play with friends.

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This is our Buddy Bench where you can sit if you are feeling lonely.  If you see someone on the Buddy Bench, make sure to include them in your fun!

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We have lots of exciting places to play within the playground.

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The climbing frames are always popular when it is time to play for our older pupils!


This is our MUGA pitch, where each class takes turns to play on it during intervals.

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We are also lucky to have a large grass area, which includes a football goal and basketball hoop for us to play in.  This is also a great space for us to participate in the Daily Mile.


Our safety is most important within the school grounds, so you should not use the car park during school hours as there may be classes and children passing through.